When Jesus passed through the town of Jericho, He met the Zacchaeus who is known as a tax collector and a wealthy man. He was hated by many for his role. But Jesus called him and mentioned that He "must" stay in Zaccaheus house.
Jesus Christ insists that He must spend His time in the house of a sinner, Zacchaeus. But why stay with someone who is not upright and just? Why did Jesus opt to spend his precious time with a sinner and a traitor like Zacchaeus?
Jesus knows everyone, He knows what's deep in our hearts. Zacchaeus, a sinner, recognizes Jesus Christ as his Master, that half of his possession will be given to the poor, and that he is willing to refund any amount that he extorted four-fold.
Zacchaeus, deep in his heart, longs to gaze to Jesus; and when the time comes, he never wasted any single moment and went up to the sycamore tree to gaze at his Master. Then Jesus, recognize his desire and insisted to stay at the sinner's house.
Like Zacchaeus, we are all sinners and we never deserve any kind of attention that the Lord can give to us. But the Lord we know is a Good and Kind Lord; He is near to everyone like Zacchaeus, close to anyone who desires to see Him and willing to be saved by Him.
Jesus Christ chooses anyone who seeks Him and the ones who acknowledge his or her own sins.
Arvin Valencia
OLA Social Communications