“to become Blessed Mother Mary’s hands ministering to our brothers and sisters in need”,- Cardinal Rosales


The City of Marikina has had for its Patroness and protector
NUESTRA SEÑORA de los DESAMPARADOS, Our Lady of the Abandoned, or what is now popularly known as OLA through centuries. The devotion and piety of the Marikeños date back to 1690 when Marikina was made a parish with OLA as its patron saint. The devotion to OLA has deepened through the years, evidenced by the love, care, and affection that Marikeños and other devotees shower on her.

The OLA Parish, established in
1690, will be 332 years old by 2022. The OLA image, which was carved in 1902, will be 120 years old by 2022. These are memorable dates that should be put to good use!

To commemorate these important dates and years of OLA, we will launch activities that will make our devotion and piety, not mere icon and treasure, to be venerated but to go beyond the icon, the image, the statue, but,
“to become Blessed Mother Mary’s hands ministering to our brothers and sisters in need”, in the words of Cardinal Rosales during the Canonical Coronation Night of OLA.

When I gaze at OLA’s image, I cannot help but tear up, for if truth be told, I feel proud to be a child of Mary at OLA, prouder still to be made its rector and administrator, for in my heart of hearts, to bridge Mary’s Son’s “
Magandang Balita” to our parish is a huge task – a task that must find realization, not in mere words but deeds; a task that must translate in helping brothers and sisters in need.

To be impervious to this task is to relinquish our Christian duty and abandon our very own, for Our Lady of the Abandoned!

Therefore, it is with great joy that I wish to invite you to be an integral part of our

We are inviting a select group of
452 partners (representing 332 years as OLA PARISH and 120 years of OLA image by the year 2022) – OLA COMMUNITY CARE PARTNERS – to kick off the campaign. Consistent with “OLA’s hands ministering to our brothers and sisters in need”, we will use the campaign’s proceeds for:

-        The Shrine and Parish upkeep
-        Assisting the seminarians of John Paul II Minor Seminary
-        Updating catechetical programs and instructional tools and improved allowances for catechists
-        Helping pandemic-affected poor parishes in dire need
-        Scholarships for street children
-        Continuing feeding program for the undernourished children and homeless
-        Vocational training programs for the underemployed and the unemployed

We are thinking of Php 50,000.00 one-time donation, or Php 10,000.00/month for one year. We will then follow this through with subsequent lifetime Php 100.00 - 1,000.00 monthly offerings from devotees until they decide to stop.

Long-term partnerships are more important to us - partners who believe in our dream to build caring communities in our Shrine and Parish.

Can we count on you?

Ad Jesum per Mariam,                                                                                             

Rev. Fr. Lamberto S Ramos
Shrine Rector and Parish Administrator
Diocesan Shrine and Parish of Our Lady of the Abandoned

Our current Social Apostolates

  • Slide title

    Operation Tule

  • Slide title

    OLA relief operations

  • Slide title

    Kanlungan ni Maria

  • Slide title

    OLA Gift GIving



OLA Parish Relief Operation along the outskirts of the City of Marikina

after the onslaught of Typhoon Eulysses

Kanlungan ni Maria

"Kanlungan ni Maria" is home to poor, abandoned, neglected, homeless and sick elderly living in community where Christ's values is lived with Mary as Mother and Model.

ECO-DMT goes to Zambales

ECO-DMT 24th Year outreach program to St. Francis Learning Center Palauig, Zambales

Donate now and be our

OLA Community Care Partner!

Thank you for your generosity! Your gift will help our OLA Care Community above adversity and thrive. No matter the amount, your donation makes a difference.



Do you wish to donate for a particular apostolate in the parish? Simply click on the image above and through our online payment facility, channel your donation to your chosen apostolate. May God bless you kind hearts!


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For more information, please visit our parish office. Ask for acknowledgement receipt upon making your donation.

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