Today, the Church celebrates the Feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord.
In the Gospel, we read that Jesus takes three of his apostles - Peter, James, and John - to Mount
Tabor. And while they were there, Jesus was transfigured. His clothes became dazzling white and his
face shone like the sun. After that, Moses and Elijah was seen conversing with him. Then the voice of
the Father was heard saying: "This is My Beloved Son, with Whom I am well pleased; listen to Him."
The celebration today invites us to listen to the voice of God's Son. Jesus was always with the
apostles and probably the apostles heard almost all of his teaching and preaching. We too, we can
say that we always go to church and listen to the priest's preaching. Or that we always read the bible
and even attend bible studies. But like the apostles, do we really listen to the voice of Jesus? Do we
follow what He says? As we strive to listen to the Voice of Jesus, may we also learn to follow what He
wants us to do. Yes, there are times that this will be challenging but let us remember that Jesus is
always with Us. His transfiguration gives us a glimpse of his glory in heave after enduring all the pains
and suffering of this world.
Being transfigured means to change into a more beautiful state. As we celebrate this Feast, may we
truly listen and follow the voice of Jesus so that we will be transfigured to be like Him.
Khalil Marcelo | OLA Social Communications