Happy Feast of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary! The feasts and memorials of the saints celebrated are the anniversaries of their deaths. The only three people whose birthdays are celebrated by the Church are Jesus, Mary, and Saint John the Baptist. The reason why our dear Mother's birthday is important is because it also tells us that the salvation promised by God is near. God's promise that He will send a Messiah always includes the Virgin who will give birth to the Savior. That is none other than Mary. Therefore above all women, she has the most right to be honored. She is not dead but is very much alive just like the holy souls. We have the hope of eternal life through Christ. Above all mothers, Mary is the most noble because she is not just the mother of just any famous person, She is the Mother of God, of Jesus our Lord.
However, it is not only because of these multitude of titles and honors that Mary deserves to be recognized as “blessed among all women”. It is already stated in the Bible, as it was Elizabeth's words, yes but Mary was also the first to respond to God's call. She was the first to believe in the Messiah who would be born and this indeed took place in her womb. Even before all the apostles, she was the first to receive the Good News. Second is Saint Joseph who is her spouse.
Through the example of Mary and Joseph, we will know how we should respond to God's call to us. What is He telling you to do now? What is His plan that He is revealing to you or the mission that He is showing you? Take heart and respond with all your heart, soul, mind and strength like Mary and Joseph. We never know how many good fruits will spring because of our obedience to God. Because of Mary's "yes" to God, there was salvation for everyone and the Church was established by God through His Son Jesus who is also our God. Even if we cannot see the fruit of any of our sacrifices and hardships in life, in our obedience, may we be filled with the trust that Mary has.
This is so that we can see the right path to take in life. A path that makes us return to God and not to ourselves. Through Him, we could have a life that is truly meaningful, full of peace and joy even if the road is difficult. Follow Christ like Mary and it will happen to us.
May we believe and continue to reflect on this.
Amen. +
Mary, our mother, pray for us.
Amen. +
Marga de Jesus | OLA Social Communications