Readings for the 20th Sunday in Ordinary Time
First Reading: Jeremaiah 38, 4-6. 8-10| Responsorial Psalm: Ps 39, 2. 3. 4. 18
Second Reading: Hebrews 12, 1-4 | GOSPEL: Luke 12:49-53
In today’s Gospel, why does the Lord speak about division? Why will Jesus, the Prince of Peace, speak about things such as feud within family members? Dear brothers and sisters, it is not that our Lord wants a fight or division for non-sense things. He is indeed the God of Peace, but He is also Truth Himself. God wants us to fight for the truth. For example, we see that our loved one is heading towards a path of sin – gambling, adultery or cheating, laziness or evading their responsibilities among many others, we know that these are not in accordance with God’s teachings. Hence, these are destructive and not in line with the truth of God which is always good. We have the responsibility to call them out of their sinfulness and bring them back to God. We, Catholics, shall know the truth and be prepared to defend it even within our family. When we uphold these truths, it is sometimes inevitable that people even those closest to us, will disagree with us.
What do you think will be the reaction of those who we reprimand? Like what prophet Jeremiah experienced in the first reading, they will probably hate us. Most of the time, they won’t like being told what to do as they remain attached to sin and vices. This is why there will be divisions. However, this is what the Gospel means today - it is better that we endure hatred from our kinsmen, if that is the cost of bringing them back to the path of goodness and consequently, their freedom from sin. That way, we will gain much more than what we thought we lost such as their favor. In time, by God’s grace and through our persistence in prayers, they will be enlightened and find their way back to God. We shall not lose hearts brothers and sisters, even if fighting for truth and the good brings about division. This division is temporary, and God will rescue us in whatever circumstances we find ourselves in. For as long as we obey Him, we shall always find grace and strength in Him our God who is forever faithful. Amen. +
Marga de Jesus, OLA Social Communications Ministry