Readings for the 19th Sunday in Ordinary Time
First Reading: Wisdom 18:6-9 | Responsorial Psalm: Ps 33:1, 12, 18-19, 20-22
Second Reading: Hebrews 11:1-2, 8-19 | GOSPEL: Luke 12:32-48
In today’s Gospel, Jesus talks about preparedness and alertness. What do we aim for in this life? What do we prepare for? Our life consists of many little preparations. This includes preparing to go to work or to school daily. Every food we eat is also prepared either by someone outside or at home.
We are already “experts” in various kinds of preparations in the secular world. How about our preparation for eternal life? What are we doing for this? Our spiritual preparation consists in what Jesus says as giving alms and in giving what we can to the poor. Our preparation is contrary to what the world dictates wherein materialism prevails. What the world says is that we should always cater to our every whim and need because we deserve being pampered. The true message of the Gospel is contrary to this. While the world always pushes us to our selfishness, the Word of God urges us to give ourselves for God and for others. When we have the courage to do so, then our reward is not anymore earthly but heavenly. It is only then we can gain true treasure in heaven – God Himself and our eternal life with Him. When we have learned to give ourselves day by day to God and to others through service or time, words or prayers, and material goods or money/alms, then we have heaven as our inheritance.
It is by doing what we can in any of these, that we become true children of God in word and in deed. The question is which one do we choose? Do we have the courage to choose it? If we do not yet have it, then we shall ask God for it. We must also continue to pray to Him to sustain us for all alone we can do nothing.
Marga de Jesus, OLA Social Communications Ministry