First Reading: Isaiah 66, 18-21 | Psalm: Psalm 116, 1. 2 | Second Reading: Hebrews 12, 5-7. 11-13
Gospel: Luke 13, 22-30
A blessed Sunday to all! Why does the Lord seem indignant to some people? Does he spurn his servants and forget them? Far from it! Instead, the Lord says, “Some are last who will be first, and some are first who will be last." There are indeed many people who serve the Lord and His Church, but their hearts are not with Him. Deep within their hearts, there is pride, and a desire to be seen that they are the “good ones” in the sight of many. This is not the heart of a true servant of God. Those who serve God genuinely, has God in their minds and hearts as they serve Him. They do not care if they get recognition or applause from people. All their care about is that they have done their duties and that they did it well. This is what the Lord means that “some are first who will be the last”. Yes, those who serve God seem to be in the prime position in the Church. We see all the time, in the liturgy and in various events of the Church. They appear to be always in the frontline. However, once they become blinded by being always close to God in such a way that they think of themselves as above the rest, then their luster and glory diminishes too.
We must focus always on God and in Him alone. For He created for us to love and serve Him and our fellow men. In these two lies our very purpose in life. Love is best expressed in giving and in serving. God created us in such a way that our hearts are fully satisfied when we give more of ourselves to others. If we are doing this truthfully, with no selfish intentions or motivations, God in turn bring back all these graces to us – far more than what we have given Him. He fills us and He satisfies our souls in a way that the world cannot. If we are content with being unnoticed, in His time, God will lift us up. This may not happen on earth but in heaven – where we will attain our permanent glory with Him; one that could not be taken away from us and one that is achieved by a heart that truly loved God and others without regard for himself. Amen. +
Marga de Jesus, OLA Social Communications Ministry