We are on the 5th Sunday in Ordinary Time. Last Sunday, we focused on the Beatitudes, Jesus' famous sermon on the Mount. Today, we focus on the life of discipleship—being the salt of the earth and the light of the world.
Salt not only provides flavor to our meals, but it also has a healing effect. It is also best for the preservation of food or anything else that needs salt as a means of conservation. Oftentimes, we ignore the importance and benefits of salt. But in the simplest and smallest composition, the salt reminds us to be humble, to serve and not to be served, and to live the life like what Jesus did.
Light is one of the most important sources of life in this world. We cannot see our directions, and we cannot accomplish many things without it. Without light, we will be hiding in fear due to the darkness around us. Being the light of the world means bringing social justice, a corporate work of mercy that everyone must understand. Being the light of hope, truth, and justice makes us true disciples of Christ.
These two perfectly sum up what it means to be faithful followers of Christ: we, as salt that nourishes the souls, and light that directs us toward the road of justice.
Arvin Valencia| OLA Social Communications