Contrary to others’ belief, the Immaculate Conception does not pertain to Jesus but Mary’s conception in the womb of Saint Anne, her mother. Consequently, December 8 is one of the greatest Marian solemnities we celebrate throughout the year.
Why is this so?
The value of Mary’s Immaculate Conception lies infinitely in the fact that it is closely connected with Jesus’ conception by the Holy Spirit in her womb. As we know, our Lord was formed in the womb of the Blessed Virgin in the Annunciation, which we celebrate every March 25. It may be that the confusion started because we believe that Jesus is sinless and December 8 is always a great celebration, aside from the fact that it is near Christmas Day.
However, if we count the months correctly, we celebrate Jesus’ conception every March 25 – 9 months before December 25. On the other hand, Mother Mary’s birthday is September 8, 9 months from now.
No matter how the confusion started, we, Catholics need to know the truth and the deep spiritual meaning of what we celebrate today. Mary was immaculately conceived, which means that from the moment of conception, God preserved her from sin as He foresaw the imminent triumph of His Son to save the world from sin and eternal death. This is God’s gift to her and us, the Church, because God chose her from all eternity to be sinless and without stain from the moment of her conception until the end of her life.
This is one of the four (4) Marian dogmas of the Church. It means this is an absolute truth and belief of the Church about the Blessed Virgin, which will never change. Thus, it is worthy of our belief.
Mary: A Fitting Mother to Jesus Christ
God made Mary a fitting mother for His Son, who is fully Divine and fully Human. Jesus is the Immaculate Lamb, with no sin and no blemish. Mary is the living tabernacle of Christ whom God preserved from sin that she may carry the Spotless Lamb – Jesus’ Body and Blood, as an offering for our sins and the sins of the world. It will be impossible for a mother to be tainted by sin, and the child will not be.
God knows this and planned this gift of Immaculate Conception, not only for Mary’s sake but for us all. We must then give thanks and praise to God for giving us such as Mother, who is not only a mother for us in a spiritual way but also in a physical, as we eat the Sacred Body and Blood of Christ every Holy Mass – Jesus Christ, Whom she was privileged to bore in her womb.
Through her, we have received the Lord Jesus Christ, in all His perfection and Divinity, because she said “Yes” to God and His plans for her.
May we, by the grace of God, strive to imitate our Blessed Mother in following God’s will and plans for us. May we remember to ask for her intercession always.
O Mary conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee.
Amen. +
Marga de Jesus | OLA Social Communications