It's the second Sunday of Lent today. The reading for today serves as a reminder to choose the path of transformation, even when it is difficult and fraught with danger.
Jesus, along with the three apostles, Peter, James, and John, went to the mountain to pray when Jesus began to shine with radiant light. The three apostles were the first witnesses to one of the greatest miracles. Jesus, along with Elias and Moises, who also appeared in the midst, were believed to be talking to His Father. The three apostles even offered them three tents for them to stay in for a night.
The gospel of today speaks of two important things: endurance and focus.
The path to the mountain is not easy; it is excruciating. But this is just a preface for us to bear the agony and go forth on the path of darkness. That in the end, we will also witness a light for our salvation. This is a test of our endurance. How long can we sustain our faith when we are faced with difficulties in life?
Endurance is nothing without focus. When the three disciples witness the miracles on the mountain where Jesus transformed, they do not have reservations about meddling in the conversation and interrupting Jesus. Are the three apostles distracted because they saw Elijah and Moises? Is there a need or relevance to interrupt Jesus communication with His Father? The miracle is a reminder that we should focus on its mysteries and not interrupt what is transpiring, just like God's plan for us.
The transfiguration served as a metaphor for the arduous and protracted journey to the cross. But the transfiguration imparts to us two crucial lessons: perseverance and concentration.
May we all be transformed like Jesus. Have faith, and focus on Him.
Arvin Valencia | OLA Social Communications