Every fourth Sunday of Easter, the church celebrates the Feast of Jesus, the Good Shepherd.
The sheep is considered a weak animal. They easily wander away from the flock and get lost due to their poor eyesight. They cannot defend themselves from wolves and thieves. But one good thing about sheep is that they have a good sense of hearing. In today’s gospel, Jesus describes the sheep as someone who knows the voice of his shepherd and follows no other voice than his own. (John 10:3-5)
We are like the sheep. Weak. Lost. Prone to danger. We are frail and sin often. We get discouraged when we face trials and difficulties in life. Some of us even question God about our own problems. But in today’s gospel, we are being invited to listen and follow the voice of the Good Shepherd.
The bond between the shepherd and the sheep doesn’t happen in an instant. It is built by spending a lot of time together. He regularly whistles or sings throughout the day so that the sheep are familiar with his voice. Likewise, as the flock of Christ, we are being invited to spend quality time with Him.
Through prayer, the reading of the scriptures, and attending the holy mass, we will become familiar with His voice. Jesus, the Good Shepherd, wants to lead us to verdant pastures and restful waters (Psalm 23). He loves us and wants us to experience the fullness of life (John 10:10).
Khalil Marcelo | OLA Social Communications