There are a lot of analogies used to describe the Holy Trinity, but in all cases, not one of them could ever accurately define who the Most Holy Trinity is. Some say They are like one single fan, with three fan blades. Some say They are like trees with different parts such as roots, trunk, and branches. But each Person, God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit are three distinct Persons, not parts, and they are one. They are distinct, yet equal, and are one. Truth is, the Holy Trinity is a mystery that is not meant to be analyzed because it is impossible to do so. God allows us to have a glimpse of the light of truth that is enough for us to believe in and that is sufficient for us and our salvation. Perhaps the most important aspect of celebrating the Most Holy Trinity today, in connection with the gospel, is God being Love. Our Triune God is a community of Love, and God is Love. Wherever there is true Love, there is God. But the world has tainted the concept of love so much that it has been reduced to something that people regard as feelings, things, or situations that give us satisfaction or pleasure. Far from this is the definition of true love as defined by Christ Himself. In reality, Love is best manifested by sacrifice on the Cross.
It is Love who made God decide to save us from sins because when man sinned, He knew that what is now missing from the man He created is He Himself. Sin destroys our relationship with God and distorts the image and likeness of God in us. But by the Holy Eucharist, which brings eternal life to us and restores us to Him, we eat the Body and Blood of Christ and God is one with us once more not only in spirit but in the flesh.
Loving can be expressed and manifested fully by self-giving as Christ gave Himself to us on the Cross. Until now, and every day since then, He continually gives Himself to us in the Holy Eucharist. How have we thanked and revered Him for His saving Love? We, too, carry our own crosses to love. If we love God, we must then desire to give ourselves to Him through service and obeying His word no matter how difficult it may be. This may entail giving some of your food to the hungry or some of your clothes to the poor, or some of your time to serve God in the Church or in various religious and charitable institutions. There are a lot of ways to give ourselves to God. Only we must be willing. In the end, Bible says, He who loves God knows God. 1 John 4:16 states that, “God is love, and whoever remains in love remains in God and God in him.” It may appear difficult to love and to give oneself as Christ did but amidst all those obstacles and challenges, it is a foretaste of heaven – of living with Christ and in Christ who gave Himself to us sinners. +
Marga de Jesus | OLA Social Communications